Monday, February 12, 2007

Turn My Turbines 007 : School Shootings

This is my most insensitive rant to date.

Platte Canyon High School.
Red Lion Area Jr High

Just to name a few. Now.. at this point some of you are probably shocked that I'm about to go off on a subject like this...

**If you feel you may be offended, disgusted, or filled with hate towards me please leave now**

We've all heard stories of the kid who never had any friends in highschool. Wore a trench coat, had long hair, listened to Marilyn Manson. The pressures of schools social hierarchy system finally get the best of him and one day he comes in guns a blazing and starts killing folk left and right.. well lets take a look at this and why it Turns My Turbines.

1. Lots of ammo, low body count. This one just doesn't add up. You're in a building with potentially hundreds of not a little over one thousand kids. How do you only manage to kill 3 or 4 of them before you turn the gun on yourself? Seriously anyone who is trying to be a hero just cap them in the leg or something that's gonna slow them down more than enough to let you keep relieving your stress. This is just sad. Everyone was all impressed over the 12 kills at Columbine but out of the hundreds of people in there, amount of ammo and guns they had seriously they should've gotten a lot more.

2. All the wrong times. If someone ever wanted to shoot up my school just wait until the bell for lunch rings when the halls are so crowded sometimes I think people are just standing around. You don't need an automatic weapon to get lots of kills. Just wait til the hall way is so packed with people that if you fell over you'd probably get trampled and start opening fire. It sounds hard but remember all you need is practice, practice, practice.

3. The administrations just sit around on their ass and say they did all they could to prevent this type of thing. Now that's just bullshit. Most highschool officials want to believe they live in a utopia where all students are just dandy and kind to one If they see alarming behavior from a student don't you think it's important to confront them or their family before anything can happen? Most shooters are rich white kids in upper suburbia anyways, their yuppie moms and dads would be happy to help out.

4. Video games =/= Violence. Video games cannot possibly induce violence. If they did the kids shooting up the schools would be getting 20 or 30 "frags" (gamer term for kill) before they ended up running out of lives and health refills. This is a bullshit theory for attacks like this, get rid of it.

5. Heavy metal = killing? No. Another unsubstantiated theory that was brought about by the hatred for all things black in the 90s by the per verbal anti Christ of all things liberal, Joseph Lieberman. The same guy who tried to pin the problem on video games because god forbid he blame who parents, policies or the school. Rap lyrics are far more violent than metal lyrics.

School shootings. Do them right or don't do them at all. Leave notes, leave reasons because honestly we know you're troubled the sad part is most people just don't care and if you feel the only way to get your message across is by killing another human then please, seek help. Taking the lives of others is just selfish. You won't feel any better because you either regret it forever or die on the scene.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

so i got about half way down the page until i realized that you wrote this stuff.....and yeah. i completely agree. i think we should definitely try that thing during lunch sometime...haha