Monday, February 5, 2007

Turn My Turbines 001 : Pancakes

I went to Perkins tonight. Inspired by seeing the delicious breakfast foods everyone had at Kings last night around 2:30 am while I ate nothing since I was broke I decided to get breakfast...What a mistake.

I ordered the Cornbeef hash with 2 eggs over easy and hashbrowns. I had a choice of toast, a muffin or 3 pancakes. Being a guy who just loves food I got the 3 pancakes. So my meal comes and it all looks good, even the pancakes but I start with the cornbeef, eggs and hashbrowns, getting through all of that to make sure I could consume my meal before moving to pancakes which of course I did. So I spread the 2 pounds of butter and the quart of syrup they give you all over them before eating. I get about half way though. Meaning I ate 1 and a half pancakes before I stopped and I felt both disgusted and ashamed of myself.

"Pancakes are a weird food. All exciting at first but by the end you're fucking sick of them." - Mitch Hedberg

I agree with Mitch. Pancakes are a great first. You take that first bite of fried dough with syrup and butter and think to your self "woah I could never get tired of these, they're great!" 4 minutes later you find yourself falling asleep into the remains of your fried doughy buttery syrup pile of shame. You occasionally get close to going right into them but the human fear of being sticky, messy or just gross feeling kicks in and you wake up. Too bad that fear didn't kick in when I told the waitress to bring me pancakes.

"Pancakes definitely make you lower your expectations. You're like, well, looks like I'm not showering today." Jim Gaffigan

Jimmy, I have to disagree. After Perkins and a quick trip to CVS I came home and actually took a shower. I had washed my hands, and my face and just felt like shit. So thank you pancakes for making me hate myself and pancakes. The sticky feeling on your fingers and face after you eat pancakes can't be taken away from you because what you've done is practically a one way ticket to hell for gluttony.

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